the apache software foundation宣布apache geronimo 1.0发布
同时,宣布一系列的子项目,包括,activemq, openejb, servicemix, wadi 和 xbean等。都是由apache software foundation赞助和支持。
geronimo 1.0完全支持j2ee 1.4,支持java business integration (jbi), 可以选择jetty 或者 tomcat 来作为web容器,一个基于java portlets的web管理后台,同时,完全整合eclipse web tools project,apache derby 和 apache directory server.
同时,以下项目将会由apache software foundation赞助和支持,并入geronimo 作为geronimo 的子项目,他们是:
- activemq - a jms-compliant enterprise messaging platform
- openejb - a modular, configurable, and extendable ejb container system and ejb server
- servicemix - a jbi-based enterprise service bus and soa toolkit
- wadi - a clustering, load-balancing and fail-over solution
- xbean - a plug-in-based server framework, analogous to the eclipse plug-in-based, ide framework